Wednesday, 7 May 2014

'Selfie w/ test card' in Frankfurt

Graeme Cole's videowork Selfie w/ test card will be installed as part of VKunst's exhibition Mon Amie, L'Image in Frankfurt this weekend.

WHERE: Affentor / Fahrgasse 23, Frankfurt, Germany 
WHEN: 9th-10th May 2014

"We live in pictures. They are a part of every life, and everyone has built his or her personal relationship with them. In visual art, reality and fiction become pictorial. The artist's results are manifold and direct. The picture in itself can be both friend and enemy. It is part of the family and of life. This is particularly true in the artist's view and phantasy. The artists work with the pictures in their heads every day, in nature, on the wall in front of their eyes. Friendships and relationships form. If one separates from one's work, the putative friendship lasts. To a friend one may say everything, ask him everything, love and hate him; he can be beautiful or ugly, boring or exciting. Which friend do I prefer to be seen with and which friendship is too intimate for public disclosure, or are there no boundaries at all?

"mon amie - l'image" is this year's title of vkunstfrankfurt. It is in its nature (in the nature of the case) that art is primarily a visual experience for the viewer. With this in mind, the curators of vkunstfrankfurt, Christoph von Löw and Andreas Greulich, let themselves be guided in their concept of the sensuous-pictorial aspect of video art. What meaning may the image have for the video artist? Is it just an end in itself and appearances? Is the aesthetic deliberately negated, and the improvised, i.e. the non-professional, emphasized? What does the examination of the picture of our time place emphasis on? It is the task of vkunstfrankfurt 2014 to investigate this."