Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Epizoda ? in a virtual Mayfield

Our daft orphan episode of an unfound cop show Epizoda ? is playing as part of Slow Film Festival's online retrospective for 24 hours, until noon tomorrow. The film originally played as part of Mr Cole's exhibition/sideshow during the 2018 edition of this splendid event. Anyway, hurry! The clock is already ticking!

If it doesn't work, you've missed the SFF boat - but a standard web search should find you an alternative viewing platform.

"Mr Graeme Cole has cornered the cardboard market of sublime lo-fi effulgence: his films are forever falling apart. And as they crumble so do the conventions and aspirations of all of the rest of cinema. Epizoda ? (please observe that untethered question mark) is as destructive as the rest of his oeuvre."

Monday, 4 May 2020

The Curse of the Phantom Tympanum briefly available to watch online

Our fine colleagues and overlords at the Bandits-Mages organisation have seen fit to make an online copy of UNIVERSAL EAR: The Curse of the Phantom Tympanum available as a salve for the general public during the coronavirus lockdown. It will be public for just two weeks. One of those weeks has already passed. The video is posted below this text; if you can't see it there, you've missed the boat.

At the same time, the good people at the Moving Image Artists organisation have included UNIVERSAL EAR: A Flea Orchestra In Your Ear in their online MIA Screens series. It features a new written introduction by Mr Cole.

These events coincide with the ten year anniversary of the first production of UNIVERSAL EAR in May 2010.